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Free Agent Mindset

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Last month, along with many of you, we read this article which quickly did the rounds on soc...

Last month, along with many of you, we read this article which quickly did the rounds on social media 'Why the Generation Y Yuppie is Unhappy' .  It prompted a lot of online debate about the validity of the writers assumptions and generalisations about Gen Y.

A Shift in Mindset

Regardless of these assumptions, or the happiness of so-called 'Gen Y Yuppies', there has definitely been a shift in mindset.   Passion for learning, growth and 'life experiences' often exceeds the job security strived for in the past.  This move away from the job-for life mentality has been termed by some as the 'Free Agent Mindset'.

The World we Live In

Although often thought to be a generational thing, it is also likely to simply be a sign of the world we live in. Security of jobs and pensions have been turned on their heads due to economic uncertainty, globalisation has opened up opportunities to see the world and technology has enabled a convergence between work and personal life.

Opportunities for Employers

Whilst employers can't change employees own expectations for happiness, they now have an opportunity to compete as never before.  It's no longer just about high remuneration or having a strong external brand.  We are seeing in-demand professionals, from across the generations, choosing time and time again to go to employers who offer flexibility and mobility.   As skills shortages intensify it is crucial to think of innovative ways to attract, secure and retain talent.

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