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Top 3 Tips For Your CVs Job Titles

2 mins

Getting your job title right is so important – it not only helps employers and recruiters fi...

Getting your job title right is so important – it not only helps employers and recruiters find you but, it will really help you with your job search too! Although writing a CV can be daunting, it shouldn't be and here's why... writing about yourself should be the easiest task. Let's face it, if you don't know what you have done then who will? Only you know the jobs you have had, what's you've done and only you know the new one you want!

So here are our top three tips to help you write effective job titles in your CV. What's best about it is that they are simple tips that you can easily put into play.

No recruiter would want to search through thousands of CVs looking at random job titles that they have never heard of. Don't get us wrong, there is a time and place for being creative and standing out from a crowd but, job titles really isn't the place for you to start. So hold onto your creative for your career summary or better yet, save it it all to impress in your next interview.

1. Research your job title

Take a look on job boards to see the most used job titles in your market. This is what recruiters will be searching for!

2. Be specific

Don't add extra information, no special characters, no forward slashes, save this for your career summary

3. Keep it simple

Your job title should be the common name from what you do. If you are an 'SEO Evangelist' add 'SEO Expert' to your CV. If you are a 'Sandwich Artist' maybe you should be using 'Food Retail Assistant'.

Remember that you still need to stand out from a crowd, but make yourself find-able too... now before you go and fix your CV, take a look at the other areas of our Candidate Insights section.