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Top 5 CV Tips For Job Descriptions

5 mins

You've decided to find a new job? Or, maybe you just want to update your CV with your latest...

You've decided to find a new job? Or, maybe you just want to update your CV with your latest career experience. But, now you realise you don't know where to begin, luckily for you we're here to help!

Remember, relax, don't get stressed about writing your CV, you know your current job and future career better than anyone else! Before we get to our 5 top tips, here are a few freebies we are going to throw in.

Your job description should include a little about the company your worked for, the role you undertook, the responsibilities your job gave you and of course how successful you were. Try not to write for the company you currently work in and those of you who are looking for a career change should consider that hiring managers or recruiters need to understand your CV too.

The following five CV tips for job descriptions will help your CV regardless if you are looking for work in the Engineering, Technology or any other sector.


When writing your job descriptions, focus on what key skills are relevant to your future employer and for the role you are looking for. If they are looking for a Design Engineer add keywords relevant to that job in your job description

Be specific with Qualifications and Responsibilities

Remember to add special qualifications, you might be a Senior Authorised Person on 11KV or 33KV - Don't forget to add this detail, what are the acronyms, which networks have you been authorised on? - That kind of detail is so important!

The past doesn't have to mean the past

Don't leave the detail out of your old job descriptions. You'll display something in everyday life which you learnt in an old role. Include it and don't forget points 1 and 2!

Be positive, emphasis your experience

Use positive, upbeat language in a job description. Let your personality and experience shine through.

Remember you’re the expert

Not everyone who reads your CV will know what you are writing about. Keep the language relevant, but easy to understand and of course try not to use too much industry speak.

Including these five essential CV tips will really help you and allow you to be found by employers and recruiters alike. If you need more advice on how to write a CV, look at our Candidate Insights section. Or click through to our next article, 5 Common CV Mistakes to learn about the most common mistakes made and how to avoid them.