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Why recruitment is a great career option for women

5 mins

In 2022, recruitment, like many other industries, remains a male-dominated sector. Yet this ...

In 2022, recruitment, like many other industries, remains a male-dominated sector. Yet this career option is perfectly suited to women as well as men - great benefits, incredible progression opportunities and much more await those women who can land a job as recruiter.

Still, the industry's stereotype of being male-dominated keeps many talented women from taking the plunge and entering this exciting profession - although this step could advance their lives and careers in many ways.

Here are 6 reasons why recruitment is a great job for women:

1. Opportunity Equity

Success in recruitment is all about your performance, attitude and behaviours, whatever your gender. Whilst many industries make this claim, recruitment truly is a career in which everyone is the architect of their own fortune - by building their own business within the business. If you are motivated, a great communicator and have a strong work ethic, you will be able to progress quickly, regardless of your gender identity. 

2. Equal earning opportunities

No doubt the gender pay gap poses a significant challenge for many women however because earning potential in recruitment is based on results – everyone has the same great earning potential if you focus on your work. At Amoria Bond, we offer all of our recruiters an uncapped, market-leading commission system - as well as the same fixed salary for new starters.

3. Transparent career model 

Another advantage of the recruitment industry for women consists in the transparent career model. The promotion to the next career level, for example from Consultant to Senior Consultant, always depends on the achievement of clearly defined targets, which are communicated openly to everyone from the beginning. 

At Amoria Bond, we place a particularly high value on this kind of transparent progression plan. With our "10 Steps to the Top" programme, it is clear from the start which step can be reached and when. So, you can focus on your goals and always know what you're working towards - whether you're a man or a woman, the same targets apply to everyone.

4. Personal development & building new skills

Another plus point for a career in recruitment has a lot in common with the above aspect. A transparent career model, which clearly defines progression opportunities in recruitment, requires appropriate training. At Amoria Bond, recruiters receive this training right from the start, so that they can begin their job even without any experience in the industry. Even during their later career, they can always access our Learning Management System, all kinds of trainings, role-playing and much more - plus each recruiter receives an annual development allowance. As you can see you never stop learning, you get constant support and new skills that can also be useful outside of the recruiter's job.

5. Networking opportunities

Almost no other job in the world allows you to build such an extensive professional network. Whether it's networking with managers from big, well-known companies or with fantastic, experienced candidates with niche skills, as a recruiter you will always benefit - personally and professionally - from knowing or even being friends with a lot of exciting people. 

6. Amoria Bond empowers women in recruitment

Last but not least: You can be part of something that breaks the stereotype of a male-dominated industry! Show yourself and other women the impact you can have in such an influential career. At Amoria Bond, we have found a great way to interrogate and empower women in the recruitment industry with our ASCEND programme and regular Lean-In sessions for all female employees. We want to demonstrate to the world that this industry is perfect for women too!  

Do you have what it takes to be a recruiter?

Of course, being a woman is not enough to become a successful recruiter - there are a few things you should bring to the table if you want to have long-term success in your recruitment career. We don't necessarily consider experience to be one of them, because we will teach you the necessary hard skills. Instead, you should have ambition, a positive attitude and a strong work ethic.

Do you have what it takes? Then join us and we can break the stereotype together! Apply for one of our exciting recruiter jobs in Manchester, Cologne or Amsterdam! 

Find out more about our fantastic, inclusive company culture here, or about the training and progression opportunities we offer at Amoria Bond here.