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Progressing Lives Through Turning Outrage to Action with Gary Elden OBE

By Natasha Crump

ESG Director

From Estate Agent to FTSE CEO to Non-Exec Director and diversity driver; it's safe to say Gary Elden has had an illustrious career filled with invaluable insights and fascinating experiences.

But more than that, the work that Gary has done to put diversity on businesses' agendas - and not just as a box-ticking exercise - is truly remarkable.

Hosted by Natasha Crump, ESG Director at Amoria Bond Group, this instalment sees Gary speak on a wide range of topics; from his early career and the racism he has experienced in the workplace; to why a meritocratic environment isn't enough to create a diverse workplace (and what is enough), as well as a timely piece on why you need to turn your outrage into action.

Listen to the full podcast on the links below.