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Empowering female recruiters with ASCEND

3 mins

Last Friday, all female employees of Amoria Bond had the opportunity to attend another of ou...

Last Friday, all female employees of Amoria Bond had the opportunity to attend another of our regular inspirational ASCEND sessions, hosted by Natasha Crump, People & ESG Director, and Amy Steel, Director Renewable Energy & EMEA.

ASCEND is our internal program designed to attract, retain and progress more women across the Amoria Bond Group regardless of seniority, tenure or role. ASCEND welcomes all employees who identify as female to regular virtual meetings, small group and 121 mentoring, and also hosts external experts and guest speakers.

This session, themed “Progressing your career with Personal Power”, welcomed Nicky Lowe, an entrepreneur, accredited Executive Coach and podcaster.

As a double entrepreneur, award-winning coach and, most importantly, working mum, Nicky was full of pragmatic advice for anyone balancing responsibilities and hoping to set their own path to success.

Along with many of our engaged participants, she explored how to unlock your zone of genius to guide career progression and explained how stepping into your personal power can avoid the common traps for women in the workplace, enabling female talent to succeed in a sustainable way.

The feedback from our participants afterwards was - as always - very positive. For example, Lisa shared: “I found the session really helpful... It was quite an emotional experience for me as everything Nicky was discussing really resonated with me. It made me realise that I wasn’t alone in the way I have felt throughout my career, especially being a working Mum and the guilt associated with that. Trying to balance everything, being a good Mum, being good at my job, saying yes to friends and burning myself out in the process. Nicky made me realise that its ok to set boundaries, put myself first and its ok not to be “perfect” at everything”!

Franziska added: "Nicky answered my questions very well. She definitely has what it takes, she has a lot of experience -  I would definitely want to hear more from her!"

To hear more from Nicky’s valuable insights, you can listen to our Progressing Lives Everywhere podcast episode with her.


Watch the video to get a brief impression:

Want to discover more about our fantastic D&I initiatives, such as ASCEND? Click here.

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