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Progression News at Amoria Bond: 6 Awesome Promotions Already in April!

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At Amoria Bond, there is always something to celebrate: And in April we can once again proud...

At Amoria Bond, there is always something to celebrate: And in April we can once again proudly announce three new promotions! Congratulations to Alina Ferrante, Giuseppe BaldiSamuel Ley and Fee Gade from our Cologne office, as well as to Tracy Westcott and Mike Lyons in Manchester. Alina and Giuseppe are now Senior Principal Consultants, while Samuel has been promoted to Senior Consultant! In addition, Fee and Mike are now Candidate Consultant and Recruitment Consultant respectively, while Tracy was promoted to Director of Financial Planning and Analysis!

Just eight months after her last promotion in August 2021, Alina can now proudly call herself Senior Principal Consultant, at level 4 of our "10 steps to the top" programme. As her manager Christof told us: “Alina is the definition of our "PROFES" values and lives Amoria Bond's corporate culture to the fullest. In addition to her friendly personality, she is a tough salesperson who recognises opportunities and is always focused on her goals. No wonder she regularly hits all the numbers!

“In her new role as a leader, she now passes on her extensive knowledge to her trainees and helps them become productive quickly. Even when she's busy, she always has an open ear for her team members. Keep it up, Alina!”

Congratulations also to Giuseppe. This week, his manager Jorn announced Giuseppe's next promotion to Senior Principal Consultant, following Alina to level 4 on our promotion plan. As Jorn revealed in his announcement, Giuseppe can proudly look back on very successful last months, with a high level of service to his clients and candidates. 

“As well as running his own business, he has been a real role model for the team. By sharing assignments with his colleagues but also other teams, he gives them the opportunity to advance their own careers. He is always willing to help everyone, for instance by providing training and daily support for some of the trainees. Well done Giuseppe!”

Congratulations as well to Samuel - one of our fastest employee progressors at Amoria Bond, who worked his way up to level 3 of our promotion plan after only 10 months! His manager Christof announced this week, "With his goals always in mind, he has worked very hard over the last few months to reach this next level. 

His strong focus on process and ratios has helped him understand the job quickly and pass on his expertise to younger colleagues. He has really grown into the team and is now looking forward to hiring his first trainees and helping the company achieve our growth strategy." Keep up the good work Samuel!

Also, Congratulations to Fee Gade who got promoted to Candidate Consultant! Fee joined Dustin's team in May 2021 as the second candidate consultant ever (after Florine, who is currently on parental leave coming back in July). 

As Dustin shared: "After working for a hotel for several years, she knows what it means to go above and beyond - transferring her talents, customer oriented mindset, and passion in order to deliver the best experience for our candidates and clients. As a candidate consultant, Fee does the hard work that no one sees behind the scenes!" Keep it up, Fee!

Last but not least, we would like to congratulate Tracy who has been promoted to Director of Planning and Financial Analysis!

The business has grown considerably over the last 12 months: to continue to promote the best service to all Group Services stakeholders, Tracy takes on this new role which involves managing strategic and operational planning, as well as the collection, analysis and use of data to drive both day-to-day decision-making and long-term business development and improvement goals. This will allow her to train staff on processes and further improve our financial reporting!

At Amoria Bond, we work with our employees to help them reach their full potential and progress in their own careers. Join our award-winning team and find out how you can move your own life forward: We have Recruiter jobs in Manchester, Cologne and Amsterdam!