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Damian Hughes The Secret to High Performance

By Andrew Beard

Associate Director

The Progressing Lives Everywhere Podcast is back - and we're kicking things off with a bang!

Our first guest is Professor Damian Hughes - host of The High Performance Podcast, writer of 8 best-selling books, organisational psychologist, international speaker, and all-around master of progressing lives, Damian combines his practical and academic background within sport, organisational development and change psychology, to help organisations and teams to create a high performing culture.

Host Andrew Beard was joined by Damian for an insightful, in-depth conversation; with so much to talk about, we've split the conversation into 2 parts.

This is part 1 of 2, where you can hear Damian discuss the concept of liquid thinking, his own progression journey, the experiences and things he's learned on The High Performance Podcast, the "secret" behind success, and how he nearly took himself to the point of breakdown, through in his own words, his "desire to achieve more".

If you enjoy this instalment, be sure to check out part 2, where Damian delves into everything relating to organisational cultures; from what a high-performance culture is (and isn't), to explanations and learnings that you can implement, to progress lives everywhere.

Listen to the full podcast on the links below.